My Friends...

This blog is intended to help us grow as writers through the appreciation and "noticings" of the authors we so love and enjoy! Happy reading and writing my friends! Please feel free to contribute your "noticings" to our blog. We value your input!

Mentor Authors

There are many people among us who set the standard of excellence; people who believe, encourage, sacrifice, take risks, impart knowledge, persevere, and inspire. Here are a few role models that I look up to in my everyday life: my mother and father, Mattie Stepanek, our American Armed Forces, Kathy Rigby, Martin Luther King Jr., Helen Keller, just to name a few....   
      Each time we introduce a new author whose advice and wisdom we can learn from, I will add it to our blog as a resource. It will also serve as an open forum for discussion. Writing takes you to another world! Enjoy the journey!!!